This is probably the weirdest thing that happened with Disney (not really, its Disney) giving that a fire breathing-dragon is flying over magic kingdom. I also want to announce that Lucasfilms (creator of the Star Wars saga and Indiana Jones) has been sold to Disney for an astounding 4 billion dollars, also announcing that Star Wars 7 will be released in 2015. Pixar was sold to Disney in 2006 for 7 billion dollars. Since then, Disney has made movies including Toy Story 1,2, and 3 with the Pixar benefit. Now back to this fire breathing dragon of Disney's. This dragon made its appearance during the grand opening of the new Fantasy Land in the resort. Yes this is completely robotic ( which is why I am posting this).
This is it(I know this isn't what you expected).
This magnificent beast that apparently to some people acts as he guardian for the newly created FantasyLand, which has had its grand opening on December 5th, and the dragon appeared at around 7:30 pm. This dragon was meant to attract the press, not become a huge debut. The dragon is actually an illusion, as because an aircraft flies over it, casting ultra-violet lights creating the image of the actual dragon flying around (using parachutes to guide it). That is still impressive. Although the low-sound making engines did not give off a clue that it was flown by a manned aircraft. If you were in the California airfield back in June you might have seen this be tested (probably not, but there is always a first time for everything). On the right shows this beast breathing fire.
Please comment,and list what future topics should be discussed, see you later!
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